Second Week Reflection
My second week at Shaheen & Gordon was eventful and full of lessons in law, conduct, and life lessons. The week began with Jim and the team working hard on depositions in preparation for trial, and on Tuesday I spent the day with another attorney who I went to court with to defend a DWI case. It was a different experience than accompanying Jim to court, but it was equally interesting and I always enjoy meeting and talking with clients. On Wednesday I went to court again for another DWI defense case, but instead with Jim. After we won, it made me feel good to see the woman crying tears of joy, a relief the ordeal was over. That’s what I want to be able to do for people if I become an attorney. Thursday was court again with a man who had pounds of marijuana in his car and a gun, and Jim successfully defended him, leaving court with a plea deal that was fair but a better deal for the defendant ultimately, the man walked away without a felony. Friday was chaos in the office, the court granting a huge motion dropped the case and the press frenzied the firm demanding information, creating somewhat of chaos. At the end of the week, I realized how serious and professional I was being treated in the office, receiving documents that the lawyers read, talking with clients, and attending court almost everyday. Everyday, I am meeting my goals through research during the day, experiential learning, and talking with Jim and the other attorneys about life in general as a lawyer. This week, I specifically learned how important the confidentiality is between an attorney and a client. In addition to that, I also have a new understanding of how unique an attorney and a client act working together and where professional and personal relationships stand. This internship has truly set a spark where I know I want to pursue law in the future.
70 hours total so far.