Thursday, May 2, 2019

Shaheen & Gordon Internship Day Four

Wednesday; May 2, 2019

Hours - 8:00 AM-7:00 PM

It was a long day of travel and depositions today. The morning began early, as I had to travel to Portland, Maine. The reason for this long travel is because of a deposition meeting with two experts on the case the firm is preparing for, in the event that it goes to trial, should the judge not allow for the motion requested from the defense. I lucked out when I arrived in Portland because I found a parking lot that had free parking Monday through Friday, 9-5. I met Jim at Preti Flerity (lawfirm) and was escorted into a meeting room where the depositions took place. After over 2 hours of questioning from Jim to the prosecution’s expert, the first meeting was finished and we had a quick lunch break at the bottom floor where a small food court was. Following lunch the second expert was a man hired by the defense who was questioned by the prosecution. Overall it was a long day of driving but I continue to learn a lot and love meeting new people everywhere we go.


  1. So interesting, Matt! Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Matt, You will be able to teach me some lawyer tricks when you are done. Have fun Dan Mori
